To get the most out of our program, you need certain character traits — things like commitment, grit, resilience, accountability, confidence, determination, optimism, humility, focus, perseverance, and passion.

But, good news friend. You’ve already got em! And if you improve them, we believe you can get better at everything. And that’s our mission - make people better.

CrossFit Class Membership



The backbone of this program is traditional CrossFit workouts, focusing on strength, conditioning, and joint mobility/stability. Our CrossFit classes are designed for all ages, and experience levels!

EMPOWER yourself and truly develop as a person and as an athlete!

The LFCF coaching staff are incredibly passionate about making our classes and workouts approachable and achievable - regardless of experience.

These workouts combine gymnastics, weightlifting, and metabolic conditioning in varying degrees and durations to create unparalleled results. From the basic (but all-important) air squat all the way to the very technical muscle up and Olympic lifts (AKA true weightlifting), we utilize them all and make it approachable for anyone at any level of fitness. We build strength, endurance, agility, technical ability, and general awareness of body and mind by training movements that support functional ability and that translate to real life. And of course, there are the aesthetic benefits, too!

*All CrossFit Class memberships include the “Essential Starter Pack” for free! See program below for more details.

Where do you go from here? Connect with our coaching staff and come in for a free intro session to see if we are good fit for your goals! It’s FREE and HIGHLY recommended!


CrossFit Teens


Our CrossFit Teens program is designed for youth athletes in 7th-11th grades, focusing on developing overall athleticism and proper movement mechanics. In our classes, students are taught mechanically sound technique so that they can safely progress in the gym and in sport. Our CrossFit Teen classes continue to provide unmatched increases in athleticism, coordination and full body strength.


10 Pack Punch Card for Teen’s Classes only $159.99

Drop-in for 1 Teen’s Class $21.00

CrossFit Teens Entire Session 09/14-11/23 (BEST VALUE) $359.99


Personal Training

Our personal training sessions are an effective and efficient way to achieve your personal fitness goals, whether you’re just starting out on your fitness journey, or an experienced athlete looking to become a more well-rounded athlete with specialized, individual training. Sign up for our personal training sessions where one of our world-class coaches will work with you to help define your goals, develop a specific program and be your personal guide.


Rent the LFCF Facility

Set your team apart from others by renting our facility for sport specific training, off season strength and conditioning, or in season injury prevention sessions. Contact Connor for more information regarding availability and pricing at Connor@LFCrossFit.com


Personalized Fitness Programming

Receive a customized training regimen based on your needs, your equipment, and your goals so that you can achieve your fitness goals without being at the gym! Depending on your goals, your coach will create, design, and review with you the program week by week, or even day by day. Programs can involve daily, weekly on even monthly coaching check ins via video conference calls. Depending on your needs and goals, a coach can provide you with as many pre recorded video instructions and virtual coaching videos created solely for YOU! Pricing is generated based on your needs, goals, and timeline!